Saturday, June 21, 2008


OK... so there are a number of reasons why I haven't added a new post lately, and this is why:
  1. The internet has been down ever since there was a thunderstorm Wednesday. To quote the eloquent words of my sister, "The com is fried". My dad told me that when lightning struck our house, the excess electrical travelled through the computer wires and overcooked the internet card and the phone line. Or something like that. Honestly, knowledge on how computers work is not my forte. Anyhow, my dad managed to get it fixed this afternoon.
  2. Before the internet got fried, I was busy with an assignment for my General Paper class. We had to do a research project on a famous historical person. Sounds fascinating, doesn't it? The person I chose was Martin Luther, the man who began the Reformation in 16th century Europe, NOT Martin Luther King, Jr. (I could not believe that EVERY SINGLE PERSON I told naturally assumed that I was researching on MLK Jr!! Seriously la, one name has KING JR. , and the other doesn't! Come on la people, it is not that hard. One is MARTIN LUTHER, the other MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR!) Anyway... it was not that dull after all, I managed to find out some interesting stuff (those popes during that time had some pretty big skeletons in their closets), and I think it was a little too long after I finished.
  3. Ok la... this memang going to sound a bit the sad, but I haven't been sure of what to blog about these past few days. Maybe because it's just my second post, or maybe I just think about things too much. Both la maybe, but the good thing is that I have my second post up and posted! Woohoo!

Ok la... that's it for now, I will post some other random thing later.

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