Sunday, June 15, 2008

Attempt No. 2

Ok. So the first thing I promised myself when I started this blog is that I would be honest in everything that I put down here. So here is the first honest truth: this is actually my second attempt at writing a blog. My first attempt was way back in February, and I closed it after about two months because I didn't know what to do with it after my first post... lol!

Oh I suppose the very idea of not knowing what to talk or post about sounds downright foreign to some people, but sometimes I feel as though conversation with my fellow homo sapiens is littered with awkward silences and stammered sentences (on my part).

But my often awkward communication skills should be a story for another day. I doubt anyone (including myself) wants to hear me griping about how my communication skills can sometimes be inferior to that of a 5-year-old.

So this attempt no. 2 of blogging will be about all the dull and uninteresting, uh I mean, exciting and fascinating things that is going on in my life. As well as any kind of quirky or random thoughts that enter my head.

Hopefully, there won't be an attempt no. 3 (because that would just be sad).

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