Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Life is always so full of ironies. I've been putting off blogging for the past few days, so to save time for today's post, being the last day of the year. Originally, I had wanted to write about a (ahem)contemplative and retrospective reflection on my year that was 2008. This kind of deep thinking (ahem, again) usually takes a while, and since I've been out of the house for most of the day, and I have to get ready to go for New Year's Eve mass in about an hour, there really won't be sufficient time.

So I'll just keep it simple. It really just feels like another day, even though the next day I'll be stepping into a brand new year. 2008 was the first year I'd spent out of school, and my first year as a college student. Though I have to say, I feel like I've been studying more than anything else. The only difference is that I am more independent, and there's no longer the burden of school uniforms.

And this year I feel as though I've really grown as a person, more figuratively than literally (I think I've already maxed my height. Oh well.) I don't really know how to explain it; but I just feel less afraid of being open with people, of trusting them, of being friendly and proactive. Not completely anyway, I still many ways to go. And I've also learnt the value of good friends and family. There, I hope I've managed to say it without getting too schmaltzy. And there's a bunch of other stuff too, but I can't really fit it in now.

So I think I'm more or less ready for 2009. Hopefully :)

Monday, December 22, 2008

Knock Wood, Knock Wood

I just found out that the AS results would be out tomorrow (that is today, 22nd Dec), and really not in a way which I would have thought. Wynxon (thanks a lot, man) typed it in passing while commenting on, of all things, a picture of an infrared lizard. At which when I saw his comment, I gasped very audibly at the computer screen and immediately chatted him up, which went something like this:
Me: AS results out tmrw?!
Wynxon: (long explanation which I am too lazy to post)
Me: omh
seriously ah?!
Wynxon: huh?
So as one can easily deduce, I momentarily (and completely) freaked out. Still a little jittery, to be honest. This is coupled with the fact that I've haven't really studied much of A2. This is the first time that I've ever felt so unnerved about receiving a public exam result, mostly due to the possibility that I may have screwed up pretty badly.

I can actually get by tomorrow, or I can just wait until the new semester begins. I usually believe in getting things over and done with quickly (most of the time anyway), especially when it comes to receiving exam results. But I don't think that I could spend the rest of the holidays asking myself every 'what if?' question I can think of. So for now, I think I'll wait till after New Year.

Edit (31/12/08): Well, this is a little late, but it was actually a false alarm. I can collect the slip to access my results online, which will only be available from 21 January, at 0900 hours Greenwich time. So I basically panicked for nothing. Oh, well. At least I got most of the nerves out of my system.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Blathering Rants

When I woke up this morning it was raining. Apparently it had been raining since pretty early this morning too. And it is still raining! Not very heavy rain, but steady enough to make the air pretty cool. But cool is good; it's the closest thing this country has to a snowy day. And I haven't seen a single patch of blue sky since, well, yesterday. Not that I've been able to check; it's hard to check the entire skies without stepping out of the house and getting wet. The assumption is based upon observations looking out the front porch window.

Frankly, the sky looks so dull and grey and gloomy that it's like it just went through a bad breakup. Maybe the sun had an affair with the moon during the last solar eclipse and the sky found out during the last lunar eclipse and is taking out its misery upon us poor unfortunates upon the Earth. That's just a theory anyway.

Concerning other matters, my phone has been acting kooky lately. I haven't been able to hear anything when making or receiving calls, but the caller or receiver can. Strangely enough, it works perfectly fine when I put the phone on speaker. I want to get it checked out, but I have the feeling that this will somehow get procratinated until the next blue moon.

Speaking of blue moons, I'm actually typing this post from my home computer (last post was from my dad's laptop). So yes, the home internet is running at a very respectable speed. Unlike for the past few days, when internet usage usually included the internet not responding, sending (or not) a report to Windows, rebooting the computer so that the Internet could (or not) work properly again, and repeating the process several times until I gave up decided to go watch TV instead. No doubt it will happen again, so I'm trying to savour the moment.

And last night the parents went to play Bingo in church! Hahaha. They didn't come home till one-thirty in the morning. It's actually a regular thing; Father Patrick has a Bingo set, and a group of them get together in the Resource Centre. It costs RM 5 to enter one round, so if several people play, you can actually win quite a bit of money! And no, the parents hardly won any money last night; Lady Luck is really quite very fickle.

As I type this last sentence, it is still raining.

Monday, December 1, 2008


I know it's been more than a month since I last blogged, but I have some pretty good excuses. Firstly, exams. Secondly, my home internet only runs at a normal speed once every blue moon. Thirdly, I've just been a little lazy since the holidays began.

All right, so the last one doesn't really count. But yes, AS has finished, and the holidays have begun. I would blog a bit about my exams, but thinking about it will just bring 'what if I had done this instead of that' thoughts back to my head. So I'll just say: exams were ok, but could have been better; and leave it at that.

And I am officially 18 years old! Hahahaha. What's there to say about turning 18 and legal? Honestly, it doesn't feel like anything special. Perhaps the moment has passed; my birthday was almost a fortnight ago.

Christmas is just round the corner. Well, four weeks is a pretty large corner. When I was younger, it used to be my favourite time of the year, when the Christmas tree would be set up, I would be getting presents, there would be all sorts of Christmassy activities to pursue, and free time provided by the long holidays. Now, I really can't be bothered about the Christmas tree, presents and so-called Christmassy activities don't serve much importance, and the holidays are just quite a dull time. I refuse to say anything about the Christmas spirit, because then it would feel like I'm in one of those cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies.

And I have been tagged (by Kern Wen and Jun Yow)! Hahahaha. My first time, so this should be interesting.

Instructions: Remove one question from below and add in your personal question. Make a total of 20 questions and tag 8 people. List them out at the end of the post.

1. What’s your ambition?
To be the best version of me that I can be.

2. Who is more important to you? Friends or boy/girlfriend?
You can't choose! They're equally important.

3. How often do you think about suicide?
Never; though I have thought about quick and painless deaths.

4. What if you found out that your wife/husband is having an affair?
I don't know, I've never even been in a relationship to begin with. I suppose the logical thing would be to calmly sit down and discuss what drove her to have the affair in the first place.

5. How many babies you want?
Let's first get married and we'll go from there.

6. Favorite perfume/fragrance?
None, unless you count deodarant and the cologne my mum gave me several birthdays (or was it Christmases?) ago which I have only used once or twice.

7. What do you think will be your greatest downfall?
Incoherent communication skills and fickle-mindedness.

8. Do you believe in eternal love?
Yes, otherwise there would be no such thing as marriage, would there?

9. What's a perfect girlfriend/boyfriend like to you (List 10)?
Intelligent; independent; a quirky sense of humour; kind; equal footing; practical; mature but not uptight or condescending; not too emotionally sensitive; honest/trustworthy; a good listener.

10. What feeling do you love most?

11. What are your bad habits?
Avoiding a problem and hoping that it would just go away.

12. Is there anything you wanna tell the people who hate you?
Use that energy for something else. You might just do something worthwhile.

13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
One does one's best.

14. What do you hate most in others?
Prejudiced opinions.

15. What have you secretly always wanted to be, knowing that it to be impossible?
To become the next Roger Federer. Hahaha..

16. What features/quirks do you find totally sexy on a guy/girl? Eyes. It's the only feature where you can tell someone's mood or personality.

17. Describe the person who tagged you in 7 words.
Kern Wen: somehow thinks he's the sexiest man alive.
Jun Yow: slightly mental and sick in the head.

18. What have you done to yourself to make yourself happy?
Becoming more comfortable with myself.

19. What will you become in another 10 years to come?
To have a successful career and be financially independent.

20. What is something you will never regret doing?
Getting my dog Suzie from the SPCA.

I tag... any 8 people who have read this and have nothing else better to do :) .