Thursday, January 1, 2009


2009 has officially begun! Muahahaha... Anyway, I have decided to list out resolutions for the new year; though whether or not they will be done is another matter altogether...
  1. Work my ass off (and any other body part if I have to) to do well for my A2.
  2. Have a definite plan for university and courses by March.
  3. Lose all (or at least 75%) of my body fat and become healthier and fitter.
  4. Not run away when I see people with whom I'm afraid of experiencing (imagined or feared) awkward conversations or situations.
  5. Give birthday and christmas presents to family.
  6. Further increase my piano-playing skills and knowledge in basic music theory and harmony.
  7. Continue learning to play my violin, and not lose my patience even if it makes my ears bleed.
  8. Get some kind of music player.
  9. Learn to f***ing drive, and not put it off for 2010.
  10. Be as environmentally conscious as financially possible.
  11. Be more friendly, sociable and outgoing.
  12. Don't be afraid to speak or to be myself.
  13. Open up more to friends and family.
  14. Always think the best of others.
  15. Take chances (sensible ones, anyway).
  16. Be more optimistic and relaxed in everthing I do.

And that, good readers, is what I plan to do for myself in 2009. I wonder if it's more than the usual number of resolutions than people normally do. Hmm... Anyway, cheers to a great 2009, everyone! :D

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