Monday, April 27, 2009

Point Form

Right. First of all, my blog has not become extinct. It's just been dormant, like a volcano. Yes, I just compared my blog to a volcano. But I have a valid excuse, unfortunately which has almost everything to do with my trial and impending exams. I have been excessively lazy to update as well, but I don't think that qualifies as an excuse.

OK, so since it's been two months since I last had any digital contact with this blog (or any other online journal, for that matter), I shall take a cue from Amelia and attempt to shorten the tales of the past two months into point form.

  • Ironically, I'm typing this from the CIT, when I just held my ground against temptation (well, Daryl and Vishal actually) to go cybercafeing. Oh, I know, people will think, since when does Darren ever go to CC? Just once before actually; but you can never go wrong with computer games that involve visceral violence and mass destruction on a digital scale.
  • Dammit, that was too long. This is supposed to be in point form!
  • Trials was dreadful. The only thing I will say is that bio, physics and chem are now on equal ground. Let's leave that and move on.
  • A2 is in 3 weeks. That, boys and girls, is a very, very short time.
  • Celebrated Kern Wen's birthday on Friday. It was great to see everyone again. I find it interesting that everything is still the same even though I only see them every several weeks, and months sometimes.
  • I think captainball is the only exercise I've been getting for the past 2 1/2 months.
  • I am going to be involved in another performance thingy for church, this time about the life of St. Paul. Not that I had much of a choice, Mum's already been in discussions for weeks.
  • Sha just told me that I should be studying; this is my response.
  • After exams: Redang trip with college mates, 13th-16th June; Langkawi trip (hopefully I can go this time) with school friends, I don't know when; Shan and Laura coming home, 20th June to 11th July (that's the plan).
  • I might go to Australia next year to study, though nothing certain yet. I really wish I had been more proactive about my university prospects.
  • I am now an official church organist. It started with church piano, so one might say that I've been upgraded (or downgraded, depending on your disposition).
  • I had my IELTS last Saturday, which went better than I thought it would, especially the Speaking component.
  • I'm resitting AS physics. Even more reason to study.

I can't believe I actually remembered to do this (by Jun Yow and Cheryl):

DIRECTION: Once you've been tagged, you have to write a post with sixteen random things, habits or goals about you. At last, choose five people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them.

  1. I've always wanted to visit Antarctica.
  2. I have a thing for geology and astronomy. I have a thing for science in general, actually.
  3. The Biggest Loser is my new favourite reality show.
  4. The one thing I always do when I go online is to check the tennis news.
  5. Speaking of which, tennis is the only sport which I care about.
  6. My mum is a Manchester United fan; but my brother's for Liverpool.
  7. I just don't get football; honestly I couldn't care less if both MU and Liverpool get relegated over Portsmouth and Wigan Athletic.
  8. My favourite place in any mall is the bookstore. Say or think what you will.
  9. I don't really like sharing books. If I do lend books, there are certain rules the borrower must adhere to. Not so much about textbooks though. I have gotten a little better since my school days.
  10. I happen to also enjoy comics. There, I have variation in my reading!
  11. I think I watch the E! channel a bit too much.
  12. I have a memory for selected and totally unnecessary information.
  13. I once painted one of my nails during bio practical.
  14. I have seven bags of plastic under my desk which I will take for recycling once I learn how to drive. Which will be very,very soon. After my exams anyway.
  15. What the heck's so great about Mafia and Restaurant City?
  16. I tend to overthink things. Like how I just spent the last one minute trying to think of the last random thing.

I shall tag --

  • Sha ~ because she's told me several times to update my blog and I didn't.
  • Sarah ~ since we're formerweds.
  • Phraveen ~ I'm not sure if he even knows I have a blog.
  • Alyssa ~ just for the sake of doing so.
  • Leconte ~ just to fill the last space. And I'm quite sure he won't do this.

I'm not sure I should go to the library or go home. Either way, I need to study. How many times did I mention that I need to study? OK, I should stop now.


Random Person said...

Hahaha.. I so get you on the books thing.. it's just that few people actually take book-caring seriously.. the way some people rip apart the spine.. or defile the pages with oily fingers.. omg.. *hyperventilates*

You're thinking of coming to Aussie? Cool! :)

dscheah said...

lol i thought u abandoned ur blogspot persona!

I KNOW!! one of the worst things is when people place the book open-faced down. and then the spine gets all creased and bent.
really damn sakit hati.

your brother said...

er... speaking of Antarctica... In Form 1, we were asked to write an essay about a place we would want to go for a holiday - and I wrote about the north/south pole. Wonder what it is with us Cheah boys and places of solitude..