Thursday, June 26, 2008


I have come to realize that I am not a very trusting person. In fact, I think this sometimes borders on paranoia that the world should know nothing about me. I could be Batman! He never trusted anyone, did he?! ..... OK, I know, that was completely random and a bit lame. But I'm really just typing as I think.

So what makes me think that I have trouble trusting people? Maybe it's just because I have trouble talking to people about myself. Is that because I'm just an introverted person? I know some poeple that would beg to differ to that statement.

Is it because I'm afraid? Of what the heck of anyway? Fear of being left alone? Loneliness? My God, I must sound really emo at the moment. Maybe acceptance then. I don't talk about myself because I'm afraid of being left out in the dirt? Aiyo, that sounds so sad...

But is that why I get so awkward around people sometimes? Don't really know what to talk about, and sometimes I'm just afraid to approach and talk to people. I always wondered what caused this, and I just realized that it is probably all my doing. I mean, it's my choice, isn't it? To talk or not to talk, that is the question. Fear and far too much self-awareness, I think that's what it is.

I was actually using the com to work on my GP homework (due tomorrow), but I had some random stuff on my mind, and right now I think this post makes as much sense as the random stuff in my head. Haisz... I shall go do something else now.

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