Monday, June 30, 2008

Mondays and College

I don't like Mondays. But who likes Mondays anyway? The very thought of of getting back into the mode of studying or working really makes me feel depressed. Seriously, those people that like Mondays must either be workaholics or homeophobic (that's home-o, not homo. I actually made that up on the spot. Ha.). The feelings are the worst on Sunday evenings. I usually get too lethargic or depressed to do anything productive, so I end up spending an excess amount of time in front of the TV or the computer.

And today we had a physics test!! Thank goodness I did some studying this weekend. Fortunately though, it was relatively doable, even though I crapped some answers and a couple problems I left undone because I couldn't figure out how to apply the damn formula. The test was on waves, amplitude, wavelength, frequency and all that stuff. But I think did well enough to pass. Not an A, or even a B, for that matter, just a pass. I hope la.

And there are more tests coming up!! GP on Wednesday and Thursday (at least 500 words on history and education, eurhg... ), biology next Monday, chemistry next Friday (on EVERYTHING until the DAY BEFORE the test!!!) and pure maths the Friday after next. And then our mid-course is at the end of August. Sigh...

Since I'm already on the topic of classes, I might as well talk about Parents-Lecturers Day last Friday. It's like Parents-meet Teachers day, except this is, well, for college. My mum of course went, my dad would have come too if he hadn't some church thing. My mum has always been really semangat about this kind of thing. There was a Science & Maths exhibition as well (seriously, just like being back in school), and one of the helpers tried talking to my mum and me in Mandarin. Seriously, people just assume things. My mum can't speak Mandarin at all, and mine is far too rusty. So I pretended I didn't understand. I know, I know, that was a little mean. But back to PML (hey, a new acronym), as usual la, the lecturers didn't really have anything bad to say about me, because I very good boy... LOL. My mum was mean, she wanted to write in the comment card that a couple of the lecturers should be sent for an english course. LOL... But I have never really been afraid of PMT or PML days, because everyone usually says very nice things about me... haha.

Haisz... since my life college started has been studying and nothing else. I never went out that much when I was in school, only when people asked me. I hardly take part in cocurricular activities, but I really should, shouldn't I? Be more sociable and outgoing, so on and blablabla... Life right now is SIEN in block letters. Studying 24/7, and honestly I don't often do so when I actually should. That's a story for another day, though.

I've been going for pretty long, so I'll stop here and go walk my dog. She's been sitting and waiting expectantly at my feet for the past 30 minutes.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


I have come to realize that I am not a very trusting person. In fact, I think this sometimes borders on paranoia that the world should know nothing about me. I could be Batman! He never trusted anyone, did he?! ..... OK, I know, that was completely random and a bit lame. But I'm really just typing as I think.

So what makes me think that I have trouble trusting people? Maybe it's just because I have trouble talking to people about myself. Is that because I'm just an introverted person? I know some poeple that would beg to differ to that statement.

Is it because I'm afraid? Of what the heck of anyway? Fear of being left alone? Loneliness? My God, I must sound really emo at the moment. Maybe acceptance then. I don't talk about myself because I'm afraid of being left out in the dirt? Aiyo, that sounds so sad...

But is that why I get so awkward around people sometimes? Don't really know what to talk about, and sometimes I'm just afraid to approach and talk to people. I always wondered what caused this, and I just realized that it is probably all my doing. I mean, it's my choice, isn't it? To talk or not to talk, that is the question. Fear and far too much self-awareness, I think that's what it is.

I was actually using the com to work on my GP homework (due tomorrow), but I had some random stuff on my mind, and right now I think this post makes as much sense as the random stuff in my head. Haisz... I shall go do something else now.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


OK... so there are a number of reasons why I haven't added a new post lately, and this is why:
  1. The internet has been down ever since there was a thunderstorm Wednesday. To quote the eloquent words of my sister, "The com is fried". My dad told me that when lightning struck our house, the excess electrical travelled through the computer wires and overcooked the internet card and the phone line. Or something like that. Honestly, knowledge on how computers work is not my forte. Anyhow, my dad managed to get it fixed this afternoon.
  2. Before the internet got fried, I was busy with an assignment for my General Paper class. We had to do a research project on a famous historical person. Sounds fascinating, doesn't it? The person I chose was Martin Luther, the man who began the Reformation in 16th century Europe, NOT Martin Luther King, Jr. (I could not believe that EVERY SINGLE PERSON I told naturally assumed that I was researching on MLK Jr!! Seriously la, one name has KING JR. , and the other doesn't! Come on la people, it is not that hard. One is MARTIN LUTHER, the other MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR!) Anyway... it was not that dull after all, I managed to find out some interesting stuff (those popes during that time had some pretty big skeletons in their closets), and I think it was a little too long after I finished.
  3. Ok la... this memang going to sound a bit the sad, but I haven't been sure of what to blog about these past few days. Maybe because it's just my second post, or maybe I just think about things too much. Both la maybe, but the good thing is that I have my second post up and posted! Woohoo!

Ok la... that's it for now, I will post some other random thing later.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Attempt No. 2

Ok. So the first thing I promised myself when I started this blog is that I would be honest in everything that I put down here. So here is the first honest truth: this is actually my second attempt at writing a blog. My first attempt was way back in February, and I closed it after about two months because I didn't know what to do with it after my first post... lol!

Oh I suppose the very idea of not knowing what to talk or post about sounds downright foreign to some people, but sometimes I feel as though conversation with my fellow homo sapiens is littered with awkward silences and stammered sentences (on my part).

But my often awkward communication skills should be a story for another day. I doubt anyone (including myself) wants to hear me griping about how my communication skills can sometimes be inferior to that of a 5-year-old.

So this attempt no. 2 of blogging will be about all the dull and uninteresting, uh I mean, exciting and fascinating things that is going on in my life. As well as any kind of quirky or random thoughts that enter my head.

Hopefully, there won't be an attempt no. 3 (because that would just be sad).