OK, so since it's been two months since I last had any digital contact with this blog (or any other online journal, for that matter), I shall take a cue from Amelia and attempt to shorten the tales of the past two months into point form.
- Ironically, I'm typing this from the CIT, when I just held my ground against temptation (well, Daryl and Vishal actually) to go cybercafeing. Oh, I know, people will think, since when does Darren ever go to CC? Just once before actually; but you can never go wrong with computer games that involve visceral violence and mass destruction on a digital scale.
- Dammit, that was too long. This is supposed to be in point form!
- Trials was dreadful. The only thing I will say is that bio, physics and chem are now on equal ground. Let's leave that and move on.
- A2 is in 3 weeks. That, boys and girls, is a very, very short time.
- Celebrated Kern Wen's birthday on Friday. It was great to see everyone again. I find it interesting that everything is still the same even though I only see them every several weeks, and months sometimes.
- I think captainball is the only exercise I've been getting for the past 2 1/2 months.
- I am going to be involved in another performance thingy for church, this time about the life of St. Paul. Not that I had much of a choice, Mum's already been in discussions for weeks.
- Sha just told me that I should be studying; this is my response.
- After exams: Redang trip with college mates, 13th-16th June; Langkawi trip (hopefully I can go this time) with school friends, I don't know when; Shan and Laura coming home, 20th June to 11th July (that's the plan).
- I might go to Australia next year to study, though nothing certain yet. I really wish I had been more proactive about my university prospects.
- I am now an official church organist. It started with church piano, so one might say that I've been upgraded (or downgraded, depending on your disposition).
- I had my IELTS last Saturday, which went better than I thought it would, especially the Speaking component.
- I'm resitting AS physics. Even more reason to study.
I can't believe I actually remembered to do this (by Jun Yow and Cheryl):
DIRECTION: Once you've been tagged, you have to write a post with sixteen random things, habits or goals about you. At last, choose five people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them.
- I've always wanted to visit Antarctica.
- I have a thing for geology and astronomy. I have a thing for science in general, actually.
- The Biggest Loser is my new favourite reality show.
- The one thing I always do when I go online is to check the tennis news.
- Speaking of which, tennis is the only sport which I care about.
- My mum is a Manchester United fan; but my brother's for Liverpool.
- I just don't get football; honestly I couldn't care less if both MU and Liverpool get relegated over Portsmouth and Wigan Athletic.
- My favourite place in any mall is the bookstore. Say or think what you will.
- I don't really like sharing books. If I do lend books, there are certain rules the borrower must adhere to. Not so much about textbooks though. I have gotten a little better since my school days.
- I happen to also enjoy comics. There, I have variation in my reading!
- I think I watch the E! channel a bit too much.
- I have a memory for selected and totally unnecessary information.
- I once painted one of my nails during bio practical.
- I have seven bags of plastic under my desk which I will take for recycling once I learn how to drive. Which will be very,very soon. After my exams anyway.
- What the heck's so great about Mafia and Restaurant City?
- I tend to overthink things. Like how I just spent the last one minute trying to think of the last random thing.
I shall tag --
- Sha ~ because she's told me several times to update my blog and I didn't.
- Sarah ~ since we're formerweds.
- Phraveen ~ I'm not sure if he even knows I have a blog.
- Alyssa ~ just for the sake of doing so.
- Leconte ~ just to fill the last space. And I'm quite sure he won't do this.
I'm not sure I should go to the library or go home. Either way, I need to study. How many times did I mention that I need to study? OK, I should stop now.